Tuesday, September 27, 2011

How to read Windows Active Directory with Powerbuilder

Here is the tips and trick how to read Windows Active Directory in Powerbuilder script, made by William Franklin (wfranklin@plg.cc) with Powerbuilder version 8, but I'm sure it will run smoothly in other newest version.

First of all we cannot retrieve the password from LDAP, only we can validate the password against it. Here is the code, do the following steps and I tested it in my network it is working fine.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

INI file with Powerbuilder

In the world of Windows, INI files is one of the most widely file encountered. INI is an acronym for Initialization. Usually processed when an application has just started. INI file typically contains configuration data of an application.

INI file is essentially a plain text file that has a standard structure. For more details, please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ini_file

Monday, September 12, 2011

How to check mandatory column in Powerbuilder

Often, we need to check whatever the user(s) fill or not the mandatory columns.

One of my team mates made the function check all the mandatory columns in one datawindow.

His idea is to utilize the TAG property in every columns. Just fill the TAG property value with Column's full name, if you think that column is mandatory.