Monday, December 19, 2016

SQL Server TRIM Function

I always wondering, why do I have to create my own TRIM function  in SQL Server, all this time. Even the self made TRIM function is simple to be done, but still looks silly when others have the build in function.

But don't worry, the new version of SQL Server (code name SQL Server vNext), adding the TRIM function as build in function, finally...

Beside the TRIM function, another build in functions are CONCAT_WS and TRANSLATE, based on this article.

The latest version SQL Server vNEXT is CTP 1.1 by this December. You can read the full features by clicking this link, as well as download the CTP version

Monday, September 26, 2016

SQL Server Function to Get How Long in Word

This below SQL User Defined Function script is to returns How Long the date already passed, in wording. It's usually displayed in articles to inform the reader how long the article already posted.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Return SQL Server 2016 JSON format In 1 row format

The newest version of Microsoft SQL Server, which it version 2016, comes with JSON native support. So you don't need to convert anymore at script side with 3rd party module like Newtonsoft library.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

SQL syntax to show all days in a week

This is SQL SERVER trick is to show the entire daily data from database even there is no transaction data in a particular day

Let say you have a table with the below structure

Table: dailysharelike
datetimetrans DATETIME
share_number INT
like_number INT

The data rows are
2016-09-05 00:00:00 | 2   | 1
2016-09-05 00:00:00 | 2   | 3
2016-08-25 00:00:00 | 10  | 1
2016-08-30 00:00:00 | 100 | 90
2016-08-25 00:00:00 | 150 | 80

If you do the query with simple query:

SELECT DATEPART(dw,datetimetrans) AS weekdaynum, DATENAME(dw,datetimetrans) AS weekdayname,
 ISNULL(SUM(like_number),0) AS like_number,
 ISNULL(SUM(share_number),0) AS share_number
 FROM dailysharelike
 GROUP BY DATEPART(dw,datetimetrans), DATENAME(dw,datetimetrans)
 GROUP BY DATEPART(dw,datetimetrans), DATENAME(dw,datetimetrans)

then you will get this (without Sunday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday)

2 | Monday   | 4   | 4
3 | Tuesday  | 100 | 90
5 | Thursday | 160 | 81

To show all the days in a week, you can use this syntax

SELECT DISTINCT weekdaynum, weekdayname, SUM(like_number) AS like_number,
SUM(share_number) AS share_number FROM
(SELECT 1 AS weekdaynum, 'Sunday' AS weekdayname, 0 AS like_number, 0 AS share_number UNION
 SELECT 2, 'Monday' AS weekdayname, 0 AS like_number, 0 AS share_number UNION
 SELECT 3, 'Tuesday' AS weekdayname, 0 AS like_number, 0 AS share_number UNION
 SELECT 4, 'Wednesday' AS weekdayname, 0 AS like_number, 0 AS share_number UNION
 SELECT 5, 'Thursday' AS weekdayname, 0 AS like_number, 0 AS share_number UNION
 SELECT 6, 'Friday' AS weekdayname, 0 AS like_number, 0 AS share_number UNION
 SELECT 7, 'Saturday' AS weekdayname, 0 AS like_number, 0 AS share_number UNION
 SELECT DATEPART(dw,selfie_upload) AS weekdaynum, DATENAME(dw,selfie_upload) AS weekdayname,
 ISNULL(SUM(like_number),0) AS like_number,
 ISNULL(SUM(share_number),0) AS share_number
 FROM selfie
 GROUP BY DATEPART(dw,selfie_upload), DATENAME(dw,selfie_upload)
) AS hasil GROUP BY weekdaynum, weekdayname
ORDER BY weekdaynum, weekdayname

1 | Sunday    | 0   | 0
2 | Monday    | 4   | 4
3 | Tuesday   | 100 | 90
4 | Wednesday | 0   | 0
5 | Thursday  | 160 | 81
6 | Friday    | 0   | 0
7 | Saturday  | 0   | 0

Monday, January 18, 2016

Windows 10 GodMode

Here's the trick to enable Windows 10 GodMode

  • Make a new folder in your desktop
  • Rename the folder into 


  • Now the Godmode shortcut and icon will appear
  • Do it with your own risks