Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Part 2 - Create Object Programmatically with Powerbuilder

In the previous article, I shown you how to create an object programmatically in Powerbuilder with static object. Now, I'm trying to explain, how if we want to add scripts associated inside the object.

For the first step, you need to create a Window and save it as "w_clickanddrag"

Unlike the static, if you want to add scripts inside the object, you need to create and utilize the user object.

So, create a new Picture user object, with Standard Visual type. Saved and named it as "uo_picture".

Set the image for the user object, and the other properties as you need. Then type this following scripts:

Clicked Event
1:  this.Drag(Begin!)  

DragDrop Event
1:  this.visible = false  
2:  this.visible = true  
3:  this.setredraw(true)  
4:  w_clickanddrag.SetRedraw(true)  

DragLeave Event
1:  this.x = w_clickanddrag.pointerx( ) - (this.width / 2)  
2:  this.y = w_clickanddrag.pointery( ) - (this.height / 2)  
3:  this.setredraw(true)  
4:  w_clickanddrag.SetRedraw(true)  

RButtonClicked Event
1:  MessageBox("Hello","My name is "+This.tag)  

All the above scripts are to simulate the click and drag event, and to show that every object has a different name (I'm using TAG properties to simulate the name).

Then, at w_clickanddrag window, you need to add a command button object and put this following code in Clicked Event, to create the new user object.
1:  uo_picture uo_p2  
2:  uo_p2 = create uo_picture  
4:  uo_p2.x = 100  
5:  uo_p2.y = 100  
6:  uo_p2.height = 250  
7:  uo_p2.width = 250  
8:  uo_p2.originalsize = true  
9:  uo_p2.tag = String(Time(Now())) // I'm using the time to generate the static name / tag  
11:  parent.openuserobject( uo_p2, "p_2", 100, 100)  

Try to run the window, and click the command button inside. Try to right click the picture object that has been created, to show the TAG properties.

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